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API Reference

This section provides detailed documentation of the Oblix SDK API for orchestrating AI models between cloud and edge environments.


Oblix provides a simple, unified API to orchestrate AI models across different providers (OpenAI, Claude, Ollama) with intelligent routing based on system resources and connectivity. The API is designed to be intuitive and developer-friendly while providing powerful orchestration capabilities.

Main Components


The main entry point to the SDK. Handles model management, orchestration, execution routing, and session management.

from oblix import OblixClient

# Initialize with your API key
client = OblixClient(oblix_api_key="your_api_key")


Enum that defines the supported model types/providers for orchestration.

from oblix import ModelType

# Available model types for orchestration
ModelType.OLLAMA  # Local edge models via Ollama
ModelType.OPENAI  # Cloud models from OpenAI (GPT series)
ModelType.CLAUDE  # Cloud models from Anthropic (Claude series)


Monitoring agents that provide system awareness for orchestration between cloud and edge.

from oblix.agents import ResourceMonitor, ConnectivityAgent

# Add system monitoring for orchestration

Orchestration Workflow

Using the Oblix API for orchestration typically follows this pattern:

  1. Initialize client
  2. Hook models (at least one local edge model and one cloud model)
  3. Add monitoring agents for orchestration
  4. Execute prompts with automatic orchestration between cloud and edge
import asyncio
from oblix import OblixClient, ModelType
from oblix.agents import ResourceMonitor, ConnectivityAgent

async def main():
    # 1. Initialize client
    client = OblixClient(oblix_api_key="your_api_key")

    # 2. Hook models for orchestration
    await client.hook_model(ModelType.OLLAMA, "llama2")  # Local edge model
    await client.hook_model(ModelType.OPENAI, "gpt-3.5-turbo", api_key="your_openai_api_key")  # Cloud model

    # 3. Add monitoring agents for orchestration
    client.hook_agent(ResourceMonitor())  # Monitors local resources
    client.hook_agent(ConnectivityAgent())  # Monitors network connectivity

    # 4. Execute a prompt with automatic orchestration
    response = await client.execute("Explain quantum computing in simple terms")
    print(f"Response from {response['model_id']}: {response['response']}")

    # 5. Access orchestration decision data
    agent_checks = response["agent_checks"]
    print(f"Resource state: {agent_checks.get('resource_monitor', {}).get('state')}")
    print(f"Connectivity: {agent_checks.get('connectivity_agent', {}).get('state')}")

# Run the example
if __name__ == "__main__":

Orchestration Benefits

Oblix's API provides several key benefits for AI orchestration:

  1. Automatic model selection based on current device and network conditions
  2. Seamless fallback between cloud and edge models
  3. Optimized performance by balancing local computation and cloud capabilities
  4. Cost efficiency by using local models when possible
  5. Resilience against connectivity issues or resource constraints

Next Steps

Explore detailed documentation for each component: