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CLI Reference

Oblix provides a powerful command-line interface (CLI) that enables you to interact with the Oblix AI Orchestration SDK directly from your terminal. This tool simplifies hybrid model orchestration between cloud and edge environments.


The Oblix CLI is included with the main Oblix SDK package when you install it via pip:

pip install oblix

Note: Currently, Oblix only supports macOS. Windows and Linux versions are planned for future releases. Supported Python versions: 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13.

Basic Usage

Once installed, you can access the CLI by using the oblix command in your terminal:

oblix --help

This will display the available commands and options.

Command Structure

The Oblix CLI follows this general structure:

oblix [command] [subcommand] [options]

Orchestration Capabilities

Oblix is designed specifically for orchestrating AI workloads between cloud and edge environments. Rather than running models in isolation, Oblix's CLI provides:

  • Automatic orchestration between local and cloud models based on resource availability and connectivity
  • Dynamic routing of prompts to the most appropriate model
  • Monitoring agents that continuously assess system state
  • Seamless fallback between models when conditions change

Available Commands

Command Description
models Manage and interact with AI models (both local and cloud)
agents Manage and interact with Oblix orchestration agents
sessions Manage chat sessions
execute Execute a single prompt with orchestration
chat Start an interactive chat session with hybrid model orchestration


Most commands require an Oblix API key, which can be provided in several ways:

  1. Using the --api-key option with each command
  2. Setting the OBLIX_API_KEY environment variable
  3. When not provided, the CLI will prompt you to enter it


export OBLIX_API_KEY="your_oblix_api_key"

Common Options

These options are available for most commands:

Option Description
--help, -h Display help for a command
--version Show the Oblix CLI version
--debug Enable debug logging

Models Commands

Commands for managing AI models across cloud and edge:

List Models

List all configured models:

oblix models list

Hook Model

Add a new model to the orchestration system:

# Hook a local Ollama model
oblix models hook --type ollama --name llama2

# Hook a cloud OpenAI model
oblix models hook --type openai --name gpt-3.5-turbo --api-key-model YOUR_OPENAI_KEY

# Hook a cloud Claude model
oblix models hook --type claude --name claude-3-haiku-20240307 --api-key-model YOUR_ANTHROPIC_KEY

Model Info

Get information about a specific model:

oblix models info --type ollama --name llama2

Agents Commands

Commands for interacting with Oblix orchestration agents:


Check current connectivity metrics (critical for orchestration decisions):

oblix agents connectivity


Perform a system resource check (impacts model routing decisions):

oblix agents resource

Sessions Commands

Commands for managing orchestrated chat sessions:

List Sessions

List recent chat sessions:

oblix sessions list

View Session

View details of a specific session:

oblix sessions view SESSION_ID

Delete Session

Delete a specific chat session:

oblix sessions delete SESSION_ID

Create Session

Create a new chat session:

oblix sessions create --title "My New Chat"

Orchestrated Execution and Chat

Execute prompts with automatic orchestration between cloud and edge:

Execute a Prompt with Orchestration

Let Oblix decide which model to use based on system state:

oblix execute "Explain quantum computing in simple terms"

With a specific model (bypassing orchestration):

oblix execute "Explain quantum computing" --model "openai:gpt-3.5-turbo"

Start Interactive Chat with Hybrid Orchestration

Start an interactive chat session with automatic orchestration between cloud and edge models:

oblix chat --local-model llama2 --cloud-model gpt-3.5-turbo

With Claude as the cloud model:

oblix chat --local-model llama2 --cloud-model claude-3-haiku --cloud-api-key YOUR_ANTHROPIC_KEY

Orchestration Examples

Here are some common orchestration use cases for the Oblix CLI:

Setting Up Hybrid Model Orchestration

# Set up local and cloud models for orchestration
oblix models hook --type ollama --name llama2
oblix models hook --type openai --name gpt-3.5-turbo --api-key-model YOUR_OPENAI_KEY

# Start interactive chat with model orchestration
oblix chat --local-model llama2 --cloud-model gpt-3.5-turbo

Checking Orchestration System Status

# Check system resource metrics (affects local model selection)
oblix agents resource

# Check connectivity metrics (affects cloud model selection)
oblix agents connectivity

Managing Orchestrated Sessions

# List recent sessions
oblix sessions list

# Create a new session
oblix sessions create --title "Research Project"

# Execute with a specific session
oblix execute "Research quantum computing papers" --session-id YOUR_SESSION_ID

Environment Variables

Variable Description
OBLIX_API_KEY Your Oblix API key
OPENAI_API_KEY Your OpenAI API key (used as default for OpenAI models)
ANTHROPIC_API_KEY Your Anthropic API key (used as default for Claude models)


If you encounter issues with the CLI:

  1. Ensure you're using the latest version of Oblix
  2. Check that you've properly set up your API keys
  3. Enable debug logging with the --debug flag
  4. Verify that the Ollama server is running if using local models
  5. Confirm your Mac meets the system requirements (particularly for larger models)
  6. Check network connectivity if cloud models aren't responding

For additional help, join the Oblix Discord community at